Rejuvenate your body with the world's healthiest sea vegetable… “Kelp”
The best of all known sea vegetable is Kelp – it is packed with more vitamins, minerals and trace elements than probably any other seaweed. Kelp contains vitamin A, B, C, D, E, and K and is also loaded with protein, fiber, iodine, and sodium alginate.
A regular consumption of kelp – for example raw Kelp in noodle form - has been linked to improve thyroid function, empowers the digestive system and acts as a natural diuretic, which means besides helping to get rid of excess water, it can be relied upon to remove accumulated toxins from the body. After research, scientists now believe that kelp is on par with other known superfoods for its remarkable weight loss and anti-aging properties.
Our restaurant incorporates Kelp in some of our dishes… for example one of our guest’s favorite selection is the Kelp Noodle Stir fry. The unique textures of Kelp Noodles are a healthy and tasty alternative to pasta and rice noodles.
Kelp Noodles are fat-free, gluten-free and very low in carbohydrates and calories. Their noodle form and neutral taste allows a variety of uses including salads, stir-fries, hot broths, and casseroles…best of all, no cooking is required….just rinse and add the noodles to any dish and they are ready to eat…
Come and try one of our delicious Kelp Noodle dishes…or swing by our produce stand, where you can purchase Kelp Noodles and make your own homemade meal…